Discover structured training plans for your swimming training and improve your endurance, strength and technique - perfect for beginners and advanced swimmers!
How many calories does swimming 1000 meters burn? And is it possible to increase the amount of calories burned while swimming? You'll find the answers to all the questions here, so read on.
What to take to the pool you ask yourself? We have got you covered! Find the ultimate pool packing list in this article. Our guide provides you with a comprehensive overview and practical tips on the most important pool necessities you should bring to the pool.
With so many bikini styles and shapes to choose from, making a decision can be tough sometimes. But fear not! Here, we'll introduce you to the most popular bikini types to aid in your buying decision.
When summer arrives, it's time to hit the beach in style, go swimming and enjoy the good weather. Dive into our guide on bikini shapes and find the most flattering bikinis for your body type!